Monday, November 22, 2010


Look up in the wild blue yonder. It's a big old turkey vulture. It's a seven forty seven. Nope, it's Super Nezzy! Faster than a mad speedin' cantankerous bull. More powerful than a cornered ticked off mama cow. Able to leap tall corral panels in a single bound. This mere mortal Ozark Farm Chick commonly known as Nezzy is now a woman of steel eatin' only a small bowl of Quaker Oatmeal and a slice of whole grain cinnamon toast instead of carryin' Krypotonite.
Mornings begin early here on the Ponderosa and this one was no different. We were gonna load out cattle prior to Hubby goin' to work. Breakfast was finished, Hubs four star lunch was packed and his water thermos filled with cool sparkling iced well water. It was six O'clock AM and dark as burnt toast! I notice the love of my life puttin' on his camouflaged manure stompers and asked what the heck he was doin'. "Off to herd those cattle and separate 'em to load the cattle trailers" was his nonchalant answer. I commenced to tell my man that I'd be as much help as Blind Bartimaeus blindfolded in a lunar eclipse bein' night blind and all when he handed me a flashlight. Yep, not the big cattle stick I usually carry, not a hot shot but a flashlight! As I have often stated, my favorite sayin' 'round these hills and hollers is, "ya want me to do WHAT???" I had that feelin' way down in my innards that this was not a good idea and in so many ways just wrong but bein' the good helpmate I am I bolted out the backdoor in my yoga leggins covered with some old CK jeans, a cute little tee topped with a Carhartt hoodie, my Nike' manure runners and ladies and trusty Maglight! I am after all Super Nezzy!
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We blindly corralled and penned the critters then began sortin' and cuttin' them out according to sex and size. I was flingin' gates open and stepin' in to turn certain bovines when all the sudden I flung the gate open at Hubby's command and a group charged. I did not have my stick, all I had was my Maglite which did not detour the black furry animal who ran right into me nestling it's head into my chest. Nope it wasn't cooing or sayin', "do ya love me Mama," he just wanted me outta his!!! The Dark Knight pushed his nose just under my ribcage below the Grand Tetons liftin' me up off the ground. Lord have mercy, I thought I'd gone to meet my maker! Still hangin' on to my defense weapon with my left hand, the Maglite, I placed my right hand on the head of another bewildered steer and pushed myself back touchin' my tooties on Mother Earth once again. Gotta love that solid ground!

Baby, I was breathless. Gettin' hit in the chest with a full throttle locomotive will do that to a gal. I leaned up against the corral to locate my lungs , catch my breath and count all my fingers and toes. After we loaded three cattle trailers, I took my achy~breaky body and my useless Maglite back to the house to lick my wounds. As soon I a caught my breath I kinda felt like that rockabilly piano poundin' Louisianian who was the kissin' cousin of Mickey Gilly and Jimmy Swaggart, Jerry Lee Lewis. Singin' his boogie woogie country gospel rhythm and blues songs, Jerry's 1958 single fit my situation perfectly. When I think of the animal I came eye~ball to eye~ball with feelin' the heat of his stinky corn breath and the slime from his slobbers I just wanna sing, "You leave me aaah breathless...ah."



  1. I'm glad you are ok. I bet a little sore though. The country life isn't easy at all for sure. I'm a city gal and can't imagine doing all that. Hopefully the rest of your week won't leave you quite so Breathless. Take care!

  2. I have a feeling you will be hurting more tomorrow. Glad you okay. Your a brave soul.

  3. Oh are one amazing lady! I wouldn't last a minute up against one of the huge beast, the sight of them has me shaking!

    That's what makes you so awesome...a pretty and classy lady that can get in there and wrestle with the best of them! I'm glad you're okay my friend.

    Okay gorgeous, I'm off now to add you to my blog roll so I can keep up with your amazing life and the giggles that go along with it!


  4. Can't believe you didn't have a broken rib! Ouch, girl! But love the description of your brandname cuteness out there!

  5. Oh Nezzy, bless your heart. You have a way of telling a story that brightens my day. You take good care of yourself and I wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. You are one tough woman! Take care of yourself. :)

  7. Nezzy,
    I am so glad you didn't go meet your Maker today! But I have to admit, that was funny!
    Thank you for adding a smile to my face :)

  8. OMG Nezzy!
    Now that was really like dangerous my friend!
    You know there are those who have been killed by those critters!
    I am super glad your ok but tell hubby he needs to find a big guy to help him with that.
    Having grown up on a farm myself I know that kind of thing is nothing to mess with.
    Those steers were bulls once! Or are they still bulls? However, you be careful my friend, we all like having you around bloggyland!
    Big Hugs,

  9. Oh how I remember those days on the farm.....

    Farmer now I am not.

    I sure hope you are doing okay now after that big meanie got a hold of you.

  10. Beautiful, brave, gutsy!

    Geez Louise. Does your family know how lucky they are?

  11. Ack, that sounds painful.. and rather frightening. I'm glad you're ok.. at least ok enough to tell about it with such great humour.

    "When I think of the animal I came eye~ball to eye~ball with feelin' the heat of his stinky corn breath and the slime from his slobbers I just wanna sing..."

    ... not Great Balls of Fire? ;)

  12. OMG Nezzy what a story!!! God Bless you are okay now and survived that...No wonder you are breathless...I was too reading this!!! You take care now...Dzintra♥x

  13. Yes...tough cookie sums it up!.....but so does dagonne hilarious writer!! Your real life adventures are a hoot to read, if somewhat dangerous to live out. Thanks for posting and again, for my giggle of the day! Take CARE, and Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

  14. What, no video? Just kiddin'. It sounds like you and hubby both had your hands full, though it sounds like you could have used something more threatening than a Maglite. You are Super Nezzy for sure. I hope you got some time to curl up in a designer label robe and rearrange the damaged parts and that there wasn't too much damage.

  15. I am glad you are okay...Those cattle do have a mind of their own.

  16. Oh my, Nezzy --you are one cool, gutsy gal! I love your spirit!

    I am glad you are okay. :)

  17. It's amazing the power there is in a animal that size isn't it?! I was raised on a farm and will never forget the day my dad was on a horse and the bull charged him...lifting him and the horse up and over his back. Our wonderful farm dog rushed to dad's rescue and saved him. Dad was black and blue for a long time. I bet you will have some of that too and I hope you don't have any broken ribs! OK, so does that get you out of having to cook Thanksgiving dinner? ;D

  18. Holy Cow! You must be OK - you blogged! I bet you are hurtin' a bit.... You, super Nezzy need a better weapon - a BIG STICK or maybe in the dark one of those Darth Vader lighted swords would scare those 4-legged beasts! Take Care...

  19. Glad you are okay, been there in that exact thing ,only on the ground instead of in the air and I know for shore it do scare the blazes out of ya!!
    You will be sore I can bet you on that.
    Rest and recoup before turkey day.

  20. Oh, no! That is downright scary, Nezzy!!

    So glad you escaped relatively unscathed. I have a feeling you're gonna be hurting tomorrow, though.

    Hugs to you.


  21. Hi Nezzy, you've stopped on several occasions and left such sweet comments on my blog! I love reading your adventures..whoa, a smack in the chest and you're still that's testament to a strong southern' gal! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  22. Your encounter with the animal in the "dark as a burnt toast" morning, was no laughing matter. You had both courage and luck.
    Hope you can now say:"All's well that ends well".

  23. Glad you're gonna be fine, but.. ouch.. and scary! Why does anything with cattle always have to involve pain? It does around here anyway! Take good care of yourself, Girl, and have a nice long hot soak in the tub! Stay safe! -Tammy

  24. Oh Nezzy Sweetie...
    You have got to stop playing with the BIG guys. They will knock you down every time, and talk about stepping on your toes, they don't understand Achey Breakie sweetie. I just do not know how you do it.

    I loved this write tonight. You always make me smile, and find humor in the kinks that get thrown your way. I love that most about you sweet friend. I bet you will be sportin a few bruises tomorrow. Those jammies may be callin your name a little longer than usual in the morning.

    Have a beautiful Thanksgiving sweetie. Please know that you are SO loved. Try staying out of trouble tomorrow will you. Many hugs sweetie and SO much love, Sherry

  25. All I can think of is "OUCH" that had to of hurt some. Glad you're ok although I imagine a little on the achy side.

  26. Well now that we know you are okay, breathless...but okay. Let me ask.

    Is it turkey or beef for Thanksgiving? :D I vote for beef, only right. :D
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

    Not to be confused with the other Jules here. :)

  27. Have you ever thought about insuring those Grand Tetons? Between the Shingles and the cattle, they have had a bad year! Praise God you are okay. Your Guardian Angel has worked overtime this year!

  28. Dear--
    I don't know ANYONE who has such a way with words as you do.
    I glad the big black one didn't take you down too far. Take care of yourself and watch out for charging animals.


  29. Oh my goodness, what a scary experience! But it would appear you handled it with a lot of grace. :-) Thank goodness you are o.k. Hope you have a great week and a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog.

  30. Oh my Lord! Nezzy, sweetheart, I hope you are okay. You are a brave lady! That encounter with the Dark Knight would have been my death sentence...phew!

    P.S. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my stories. I treasure you.


  31. You be careful!

    You will probably be one sore mama tomorrow.

    HUGS and Happy Thanksgiving.

  32. LOL! "...right below the Grand Tetons." Oh, Nezzy, I can picture it now. Just glad you didn't end up with a hoof print on your forehead. Now that would be rude!

    Happy Thanksgiving, my fellow farm girl friend.

  33. Oh, Nezzy, I could not help but giggle while reading your post. The way you write puts a smile on my face. I am so happy that you are ok. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Hugs~ Tami

  34. That was a bit too scary for this city girl. I think I would've not only been breathless but peed my pants too. Hope you're okay!

  35. haha. you are amazing...what an adventure...and you right there in teh thick of are super nezzy...

  36. Goodness, Nezzy! I'm glad you're okay!!

    May your Thanksgiving be Blessed!

  37. Mercy me, Nez, I'm thankful you are in one unsquashed piece. Whew.

    Been around cattle most of my life and well I want to say, there are better ways to become breathless. I'm just saying.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


  38. Oh my GOSH! Well, I was breathless and on the edge of my seat through this whole story! Did you get ANY sympathy at all from hubby? Did he at least make you a hot cup of tea? How are you now, back to normal now?

  39. You are one tough, brave grandma! Jerry Lee ain't got nothing on Super Nezzy! Glad you're okay!

  40. I was breathless just reading this! Never forget your stick when dealing with cattle... So glad to hear you're OK. You're a tough and amazing person!

  41. ohhh noooo.
    so glad you're okay. hope you're not too sore in the days ahead.

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. Wow, what an experience! You are one brave woman, I have to admit. I am not sure I could face these magnificent animals up close, even though I love to admire them at a distance.
    Glad you are fine.;)

  44. Oh my Nezzy - I'm so sorry that Bull misbehaved and got you in that kind of a position. I do think, however, you should compile a book with your stories. Your humor is fabulous - a godsend... and would certianly be a best seller!!

  45. Holy Moly, what a story. Only knowing you were typing it out kept me from getting too concerned and could enjoy your delightful way of storytelling.
    Cows don't try to hurt, they just want you out of the way. I once had a calf leave me sitting in the poo counting the birds the flew around inside my brain. They are just so strong.
    Do be careful.

  46. Nezzy, YOU ARE A GENIUS OF A WRITER AND YOU HAD ME GOING......dearest, BLESS YOUR LOVIN' SOUL!!!!! Much to be thankful, non?

    Gotta run, but I am coming back to reread this piece of sheer genius and humor as well as HIGH ADVENTURE!!! Anita

  47. thanks Nezzy for the first laugh of my morning. maybe you should go to Mexico or Spain and try out for Bull Fighting. ha ha. loved the story, glad you are still breathing. I know you are or you could not have typed this story.

  48. You're a tough farm woman that's for sure. I was afraid your ribs were broken. Does a Maglite give enough light? I am relieved you are all right.

  49. Wow, getting pushed aside by one of those majestic beasts could really ruin your day. Thanks for a little smile this morning Nezzy!

  50. I am so glad you are okay! That could have ended really bad. Glad God was on your side :)
    Wishing you a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving. May you always have much to be thankful for.
    *kisses* HH

  51. Wow, that's a heart thumpin story! Dang, girl! That IS one scary lookin beast!

    With that said, I wish I had a four star lunch.

  52. I am glad you are okay - but needless to say - be more careful next time - super Nezzy!


  53. Never a dull moment there, Nezzy... between that and your humor, it makes for some good readin' by the rest of us :)

    Happy, blessed, and uneventful Thanksgiving!


  54. OMG, I loved your post took me back to what happened to me as a kid on the farm, love your humor. Glad yur ok though, nasty beast ! I have been squished between the barn and a big ole bull when I was a kid, woooweee that smarts, I was bruised alright, my dad had to rope him to get him away from me, also been headbutted by a ram,that hurts! its amazing what happens to ya on the farm. Have a safe day !

  55. You are right...cattle is an adventure, but not always the kind you want.

  56. bad bad steer - guess you just can't trust them
    Good to hear you are ok and no broken ribs. all the best

  57. never a dull moment on the ponderosa! :)

  58. It sounds like your "womans intuition" was right on the money. Thank the good Lord you were okay. As much as I'm glad you're still with us, I do wish I could see a video of this. Just for the laugh.

  59. Nezzy, sweetheart I'm so glad you survived the stampede.
    I loved your story especially the bit about the Grand Tetons, I laughed out loud.
    Never mind Breathless how about Great Balls Of Fire!!

  60. Oh my gosh, you are strong! Hope you have a beautiful Thanksgiving.

  61. Oh My! I'm glad you're okay. You had quite the adventure! This just confirms in my mind the reason I work with goats instead of cattle!!

    Thanks for stopping by to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings to you and your home!

  62. Oh my goodness gracious!! You are lucky you didn't crack some ribs, or did you? Take care Nezzy! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving my friend!

    Julie Magers Soulen Photography

  63. Oh are a lucky Farm Chick. Do you suppose you need a horse..or a cattle prod..I am thankful you are ok! I bet you are sore and black and blue for sure. Those cattle are big and strong..and can toss you around like a rag doll.

    Perhaps someone who gets up in the dark of night to herd cattle will be cooking Thanksgiving Dinner for you. Take care and Happy Thanksgiving:)

  64. LOL! Glad you are ok. There are few things scarier than a peed off bovine chargin' right at you! We always had to work cows on foot and I was always in charge of the head chute. Catching them at the exact right moment, not slamming the chute before they get their head in and not waiting so long that they squirt through......such memories!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a sweet comment.

    God bless you and have a good Thanksgiving!!

  65. Thank you Nezzy for your kind comment. Well i hope it will be OK. Happy Thanksgiving.Hugs Catherine

  66. Oh my, glad you are okay. I am glad that was not me in the Carhartt and Nike manure runners. Those cows are huge.

  67. Uff-da! as they say in my part of the country. Glad you survived the assault. Are your lungs back to their full blown shape? Take it easy the rest of the week...k?

  68. Oh my! I am so very, very glad that you are OK!! I helped with cattle a couple of times and I must say, it scared the heck out of me. I didn't get hurt, just stuck in the mud at one point. Oh my, the boyfriend at the time had to come 'save' me and he got stuck in the mud too! It was hilarious!! Thanks for reminding me. :-) So glad you are alright though, Nezzy!!!

    Have a Wonderful & Happy Thanksgiving!
    Blessings & Many Hugs,

  69. WOW!You never fail to amaze me, Nezzy! I love the stories you share on your blog, sweet lady!

    So very glad you're ok!

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  70. Oh that is not fun! I've been there. I had a cow fall on me from the top story of a cattle trailer. I thought I was dead, but I only bruised my ribs and strained my wrist. Whew! Glad you came away OK. It sure makes you appreciate the power of those critters though!

  71. Holy Smokes Nezzy!!!! Sooooo glad you are okay. I think you just earned your Super Woman cape!

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. It's a pleasure visiting your blog, getting to know you and reading about your wonderful life. You are truly blessed.

    Have a great day, xo jj

  72. That was one adventure story I did not excpect on Thanksgiving. So glad you are OK, well maybe still shaking a tad.

    When my DAD was a gentleman farmer, my mother would not let us girls assist him in his duties, but it was OK for my brother. Since I was adventurous, I often felt discriminated, but after this story, she may have saved my life!

  73. My goodness! You had me laughing and gasping at the same time. You just confirmed what I already knew, sheep are a lot easier to manhandle than cows... Here's to a blessedly wonderful Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  74. You are quite a writer Nezzy! I don't know how you have time to read all your comments but I just want to say I'm glad that black beast didn't take you out! Get a better weapon soon!!!!! Better it hamburger than you.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  75. You are Super Nezzy! I'm glad you are alright.

    Perhaps you should collaborate with maglite and come up with one that has some sort of cattle defense attachment.

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

  76. Quacker oatmeal and whole grain cinnamon is much better than kryptonite...I hear kryptonite is bad for your skin :)
    You are hilarious! Such a great post!

  77. YIKES! You certainly earned the title of Super woman for that one! Hope your recovering from your brush with that big bad dude.

  78. Girl, you are quite the entertainer:) That is some story about you and the herd! Happy to hear you made it out of there alive and well! Thanks for paying me a visit and leaving your sweet comment! Enjoy your evening dear friend! Daylight comes early:) HUGS!

  79. Good Grief...can't you ever for once stay out of trouble!!! LOL

    (seriously......glad your OK!)

  80. My goodness, so glad you are ok.... but then again, I love the way you take a normal ole happenin' (??) and spin a delightful yarn around it. I have to agree with Jenn -- you've earned your Super Woman title. :-)

  81. That was halariously descriptive. I'm glad you didn't meet your maker. Take care!

  82. " much help as Blind Bartimaeus blindfolded in a lunar eclipse..."

    Now, THAT'S blind!

    Good lord, Nezzy, I can't believe that after all that, you STILL helped the Hubster load those trailers!!!!! I sure hope he appreciates what a super-wife he has; if Fred handed me a flashlight and told me to get into manure runners at 6am...well, let's just say it'd be a looooong time before he saw any action in the Grand Tetons or areas south.

    If I were you, I'd have ditched the Thanksgiving turkey and had Dark Knight Roast instead!

    I'm sure your super powers will have you and running again soon, but, hey, take it easy, okay? This has NOT been your year!

  83. What a story Nezzi; you are a strong brave woman! Love the name of your farm. Thank you for your visit; I appreciate your comments.

  84. Thanks for stopping at my blog! Enjoyed your story writing skills - had me at the edge of my seat. I guess you wouldn't be writing about it in such a humorous vein if you were not ok! Phew!

  85. You missed the part about how your hubs loved you up afterwards and waited on you hand and foot that night!

    You're a trooper, my friend :)

  86. Oh Nezzy I laughed so hard my ribs hurt. This was so good, I went and go my husband and read it to him. It was too good not to share. I needed a good deep belly laugh and thank you for this gift. Laughter is like a medicine and I needed this medicine. The funniest part to me was the Maglight. I can just picture your clinging madly to that light as all this was taking place.

  87. What a great story. Glad you are on the mend. We took some cattle photos also this week all from the vantage point of a car or on the other side of the fence.

  88. I really love the way you put words together!! Glad you're okay. I think working with animals and nursing have way too much in common!!!

  89. Nezzy..I DID have a wonderful Thanksgiving..but DID NOT make those pies. My daughter did...the little cupcake and cookie baker. Baking is her thing..I don't do much of it anymore. I like to bake..but..I've just petered out! Your comments always make me feel so much better. Always.

  90. WOOOOOOOOOO NEZZY, I believe I saw your TALONS ROSE hanging off the horns of one of those bulls.....I could just see you precious, sporting whatever you please in elegance and grace while doing your daily chores on the PONDEROSA!

    You are awesome. I giggle every time I come to see your cattle and the encounter with "the grand tetons...."

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR VISIT AND are a treasure dear Nezzy!

    HAVE A safe and wonderful week on the ranch! Lovingly, Anita

  91. Oh, you poor thing! Bless your heart and I'm so glad you're not hurt! You are a special lady to do all you do and I believe you're touch, too! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  92. Honey what are we going to do with you! It has not been that long ago that you were charged really hard by one of those creatures. Now I am reading this again. Even though it was written very funny it sounds really bad. Are you sure your okay. You must be bruised like a two week old apple. Not that your old but you know what I mean. lol
    i knew when I started reading it was dark outside it was not going to end good.
    Stay on the ground so you can write me sometime. lol
    Love ya

  93. Well all I can say is I hope your man appreciates you! You are one tough lady! I would of cried when he said I had to help load the cattle! Hope you are ok! Take care swee

  94. Jeepers creepers that was scary...just reading about it so I can only imagine how it FELT!

    Hope you're not too sore.

    I'm busy decorating for Christmas, but I'm taking plenty of breaks to visit my blog friends. wink, wink


  95. Nezzy, dang! You need to take care of yourself. I am glad you are ok. But, well, you need to take it easy and get everything else feeling all better before you add any other kind of bumps, bruises and shingles.

    Hope you had a quiet restful Sunday, but some how I kind of doubt it. Thinking about you.

  96. By now, I sure hope you are rested up! HA

  97. You couldnt pay me enough to do that. lol. Hope you feel better today!

  98. Oh my word, Gal. I'll take my easy-peasy life any day over yours. Getting up at 7:30 for Zumba is about as active as this little town girl gets. I hope you didn't get too sore, nothing worse than sore Tetons.

  99. That's just scary!! I'm so glad you are alright!

  100. Oh, no! None for me, sir!!

    Love the look of the shaggy winter cows.


  101. Oh my.... they look huge and overwhelming to me!!

  102. Hi Miss Nezzy,
    You make me smile whenever you stop by and leave me a comment! Are you writing that book yet? I think you should get busy! Hey, maybe I can be your agent?
    You have the talent my friend!

  103. Oh Nezzy! Now that is a scary thing to have happened to you! Glad you are alright!


  104. Hi Nezzy - thanks for your visit! What nice comments you left!

    You speak my language, girl. I understand you perfectly! Here's one for ya - I ask my daddy how's he doin' today, and he says, "Fine as frogs hair split four ways!!!" Now that's purty fine, ain't it! Now that'uns mine and I use it all the time!

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season! Enjoy it with your littles & stop by anytime! I'm off to do some more readin' here!

  105. You're much more adventuresome than me, Nezzy. I can't imagine such a thing. I'm glad you're okay.

  106. Howdy Nezzy
    Oh sweet pea I have not laughed out loud this long since my Papa talked me into pulling the nose ring of the bull we had just put up in the cattle trailer for market due to the fact he kept breaking through all the barbed wire fences and the neighbors were complaining .
    There were alot of pretty calves that spring :)
    Oh sweetie God is good cause your still here to tell the story and relive the glory of one of those off moments that usually get deleted from family history :)
    God bless you my friend .
    Please take care and know I'll be praying for you and yours !
    Love Ya Nezzy :)
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  107. I`m glad you visited me so I could find you,You turned my morn into a side splitting one,you are such a delight to read,got to go back & read it again.I`m glad you weren`t hurt,they are a mean lookin`lot.phylliso

  108. I'm glad that you are okay after the run in with the cattle! Looking at the second photograph in this blog post, I wouldn't want that animal anywhere near me! He looks meaner than a junkyard dog!

  109. You had me breathless (again) as the story unfolded! I giggled at "Nike manure runners" and nodded my head with "you want me to do what!" And then I pictured you flying high in the air- I should have had no fear. I bet you really landed sweet as a ballerina.

    Hope you got more than a bowl of oatmeal as a reward after.

  110. super nezzy.. that's a heck of a story. I'm glad that you are ok.
    Have a SAFE happy December

  111. Oh, Nezzy!!! So glad you are okay!!!! Just stopping by to give you my love!!!! Been thinking about you!!! Love, Janine XO

  112. What was this animal drinking, Red Bull?

  113. Dear Nezzy, I had to come to visit you and Bernie today. You both are often on my mind, but I am such a rascally poor blogger that I just don't get around like I mean to. I will get better at it, because it is on my to do list to do, and eventually...Anyway, I came today to read up on your posts,to learn more about you and to thank you for your friendship. Your kind, compassionate, loving words are always encouraging to me, and I appreciate you dear friend. I am so thankful to have met you here in blogland. I look forward to getting to know you better, and to offering you encouragement, someday, as you do me. I hope your day is blessed with health, love and happiness. Much love, Debbie

  114. You really ARE Super Nezzy! Gosh Dern, I don't even fix breakfast and lunch for my husband, much less go out to herd cattle! (Course he doesn't herd any cattle either). I'm so glad you are okay. I'm also glad that you can make me laugh with a story that should scare the daylights out of me! I hope you at least got to sleep in the next morning. Take care of yourself brave Super Nezzy! laurie

  115. Oh My! I am not sure I would have recovered from that. Take care.

  116. I love the look of farm life... ooooh le sigh!

  117. The look of the farm life is neat..doing it is another thing...unless, of course you have a "Super Nezzy Cape" ...and guts!

  118. Good grief Nezzy...I hope you're alright! ... Hope you had a great Thanksgiving (I'm so behind in my visits. Can ya tell?) Have a fun weekend, and don't be getting too close to those huge critters! xo Paulette

  119. What a crazy day in Ponderosa land!!! Wow!!! Super Nezzy!!!, she's a grown woman, energy and vitality!!! 100% American woman!!! God bless you Nezzy friend, :)

  120. This made me giggle! I'm so glad you're okay though. Never a dull moment!!

  121. Great balls of fire I was on the edge of my seat. Glad you're once again on solid ground.

  122. You're one brave woman, glad to hear that you're okay. Take it easy and have a blessed day.

  123. Aren't you glad he didn't have horns? You make us country girls proud Nezzy! So glad you survived and are continuing to blog to tell about it.

  124. You go girl! Are you nuts or what? I think you should wear armor next time. I'm so glad you are okay and here to write such a colorful and humorous story. You have quite a voice. So when is your book coming out. You have talent woman!

  125. Hi Nezzy! Living in nature everyday will keep you going until your over 100! I love animals and used to live on 75 acres; I miss birding, composting, and the sounds of nature at night. When someone is sore from working outside its a GOOD hurt! You wrote on my blog a couple of days ago; thanks for taking the time. I have been a caregiver for so long, and with the death of my mom I am trying to get my own life back...I write about my days too, my spirit, my reflections. I really hope you'll become a follower of my blog even if you're so busy you can't read it all the time. I'll be looki' for ya! xoxo

  126. Wow, and I thought a day with my kiddos was's nothing compared to having to deal with angry cows!!! I just love your makes me feel like I'm right there with ya!!!

  127. Hey Miss Nezzy,
    How's it going over here? I hope you have a great week my friend and that you don't have to chase any angry cows around. lol.

  128. Girl, I am exhausted and I wasn't even there!

  129. You tell a terrific story! Love knowing you! Anne


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