Meet Dead Dorothy. She arrived on the Ponderosa last week malnourished half starved to death. Her mange ridden coat lacks the luster and thickness of a critter prone to holdin' it's head in a feed bag. She is what we call here in the Ozarks a Swamp Rat. No disrespect to all you lovely wonderful southern ladies I love so much. A Swamp Rat is an animal who has been trucked into our area from states like Louisiana and Mississippi to be auctioned at a local sale barns. Dead Dorthy is suffering from starvation, stress and shipping fever. Movin' cattle from warmer states to cooler states works well in the summer but in the winter months...not so much. "Oh baby, I got 'em cheap," are the words I hear flyin' from proud Hubby's lips.
Hubby is accumulating a band of small cattle to feed out for market. He has enlisted the help of a wing man, The Ring~Master who owns a sale barn. A paper thin emaciated cow and her puny skinny calf were ran into the ring to sell and Hubby bought the pair for a mere $265.oo. What a bargain even though I constantly remind this burnin' hunk of love it's only a bargain if they live. The calf was really too old to be on it's bony mama but I'm thinkin' the ring~master threw it in 'cause he didn't want to get stuck draggin' the deceased critter off. Now if ya have ever been to a sale barn ya know it's an exclusive men's club in it's own rite. These guys have their own verbal language only those who belong to the club understand and a sign language they have no problem nodding and answering 'yep' to. In one of these exchanges Hubby understood that this cow~calf pair was part of a divorce that neither party wanted to feed. The cattle trailer arrived at the Ponderosa unloading the cattle purchased that day and the cow was put in the cow pasture and Dead Dorothy was to flourish in the weanin' pen. Yep, the man always has a plan. He's just that kinda' guy.
The first morning that I went up to water the clan at the weanin' pen where poor Dorothy had her heavy head hanging six inches off the ground. Nope, this is never a good sign in cattle. Ya'll want their heads high and ears up. The next morning this farm chick spotted Dorothy layin' flat on her side with her Twiggy legs stickin straight out like road kill. Her sides were not goin' up and down nor was her tail twitchin'. I hollored as I was banging on the metal panels and saw no movement. The other calves walked over and nudged her poor famished body gettin' no response. Now granted I didn't climb over the corral and poke, prod or nudge her but she was lyin' there lifeless as a virgin on a blind date. I'm a farm gal ~I know dead when I see it! First I called time of death then I called Hubby to announce Dorothy had passed.
Saturday morn' Hubby trots into the house singin'," she lives, she was probably sleeping soundly." Now folks, this calf was more than napping, it had to be in some kind of deep comma trance 'cause there was no sign of breath or a blessed miracle dropped from above and revived her. She was call a code and page Dr. McDreamy gone. Dead Dorothy is unable to eat normally so we are 'drenching' her. We take a contraption with a long tube and fill it with milk replacer and squeeze it down her gullet. Much like a NG tube in a human. She has not stood on her own four legs in a few days. Tonight when Hubby gets home he will take the tractor and lift her onto her legs with the front loader. This could be a Kodak moment except it will be dark and I'd only have the light of the moon and the light of a tractor so it could all be a little too scary to show. Thankfully Dead Dorothy's mama is doin' much better than she is.
I almost fainted when I saw the small vaccine bottle of Draxxin costing $355.oo or the Micotil at $150.00. The small $25.00 bag of milk relpacer was nothin' compared to that. There is an abundance of time and a mint put into a sick animal. Most farmers would just give up the ghost and put the poor animal down but Hubby is a wizard when it comes to doctoring cattle. Both Dorthy and Hubby believe that if she clicks her hooves together three times and recites ,"there's no place like the Ponderosa," Dead Dorothy will be granted a full and happy life runnin' up and down these Ozarks hills and hollers singing, "We're Off To See The Wizard!!!"
I love the drama that goes with a good bargain ... like clothes at a real knock down price. Coming home, Kakdah will notice one or two missing, or at odd shape. She will doctor the dress..... ~bangchik
ReplyDeleteWhat a pretty fluffy coat on that cow.
ReplyDeleteI hope Dorothy will eventually be one of your best cows! The pain of paying for vaccine is no fun, but I sure wish you would let me in on the secret where to buy $25.00 milk replacer. We have 11 bottle calves right now and here in southern MO we had to pay $60.00 a bag for milk replacer. I nearly fainted!
ReplyDeleteI hope she makes it. I'll be rootin' for her!
ReplyDeleteLife at your place is sure is different that the one I lead. City girls like me know nothing about all that stuff, but she looks cute to me. I never saw a calf with fluffy hair like that.
Dead Dorothy has got just about the cutest, saddest, most forlorn face I have ever seen. She deserves a break. I really hope she does have full and happy life runnin' up and down the Ozarks hills, mooing at the top of her lungs.
ReplyDeleteI'm especially rootin' for Dorothy because (I don't share this info with just anyone, Nezzy) my real first name is Dorothy....Jeanie comes from Jean in the middle. I'm sure with you and Hubby on her side she'll end up on singing "Happy Days Are Here Again."
ReplyDeleteI've been where you are and fully understand. Nothing is cheap when it comes to cattle and farming. I sure hope she makes it. Love those animals. She'll know she is loved and come around.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work.
If she doesn't live, look at it as a tax write off. No, I am not that heartless. I do feel for this sweet poor baby, how can anyone mistreat an animal that way. Send them to slaughter if you don't want them, just don't kill them an inch at a time.
ReplyDeleteWhen her legs were sticking out, I just knew you should have named her after the witch that the house fell on. Maybe she has a little fainting goat in her!
I hope hubby wins this one, where there is a will there is a way. He has special reason, too, he has to prove you're wrong!
Love can do anything so I am already looking forward to her lovely calves.
Oh. My. Goodness!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope she makes it too. Wouldn't that be a story. Good luck to your man and his strong desire to succeed.
Love ya girl.
I'm rooting for Dorothy! Poor thing.
ReplyDeleteWe're dealing with a sick animal right now, too. My oldest and one of my dearest bunnies (breeder) is really sick. She is right now in a cage in my mud room. I don't expect her to make it. She is having seizures and I'm pretty sure she has had a stroke. So right now she is getting all the babying she can handle. The worst part is how hard it is for my children. Oh, the lessons of life on the farm.
Ok now you got us all wired and wound up rooting for Dorothy. And we will need regular updates on her condition.
ReplyDeleteI love Dorothy!!!!I cried through this whole entry. ( It's been one of those weeks)
ReplyDeleteKeep us updated! : )
Yes i so hope Dorthy makes it.
ReplyDeleteI know it is hard to get them up once they get down. but I think if anyone can you and hubby can. Go Dorothy
I am rooting for Dorothy too! I like happy endings and I would like to see that happen here. Nezzy you are toooooo much :)
ReplyDeleteOh my---I hope all involved get well soon!
ReplyDeleteGo go go girls!!!!
Oh, she’s a cute little thing. I hope she makes it. :)
ReplyDeleteWow! You guys have your hands full! I am rooting for Dorothy too! Cattle may just be more expensive than goats but I am sure you couldn't convince my hubby of that!!!!
ReplyDeleteDorothy is too adorably cute. I hope she makes it and you will recognize her appreciation.
ReplyDeleteMy grandfather had a dairy farm in upstate NY. We lived close by it over 40 years ago. He took good care of his cattle. We loved the little calves. The ones who were weaning would suck on our mittens or coats in the winter - - used them for a pacifier or hoping for milk from anywhere. I don't understand how anyone can let an animal starve either. Their punishment ought to be decreased food intake to the point they feel it significantly.
What a pretty cow. I hope she makes it. Love your blog.
ReplyDeleteAh Nezzy! There MUST be a special place in heaven for people who save cows! I can't wait to see her again in a month.
ReplyDeleteI must say Dorothy doesn't look like a cow to me in the above picture.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure , however, that you, an Ozark chick and farm gal, and your Hubby who "bought her cheap" will make her a cow in no time.
Hey I can relate to your hubbie,I have invaded the man world of the sale barn and buy small calves,some of which are the typical "good" deals and I have gotten up every 2 hours and headed to the barn to doctor or feed one of my "good" deals,but some have turned out to be some of our best cows,it ain't over till the maggots get the upper hand!!!!!! Blessings Marilyn
ReplyDeleteGood story Nezzy! Dead Dorothy lives on.... Now that you were wrong that one moment and called her deadier than dead she will live on just to remind you that you were wrong! :)
ReplyDeleteNice information, this really useful for me. There is nothing to argue about.
ReplyDeleteKeep posting stuff like this i really like it. Thanks.
She's gorgeous! I really hope she makes it! And thanks for stopping by my blog today. It's nice to meet you! :)
ReplyDeleteHopefully Dorothy will be running them Ozark hills before you know it. Sending good vibes her way.
I don't know a single thing about cows but my guess is that if you let Dorothy sleep in bed with you, she will feel secure and loved, and thrive from her snuggling up.
ReplyDeleteShe is cute so I hope she survives!
Oh my gosh!! Poor DD!! Poor budget!! Poor DD!! I pray she survives. What a terrible adventure for her if it's cut short!
ReplyDeletePlease keep us posted on how she's doing!
What a sweet baby face she has... Saying prayers for you, your wizard hubby and of course Living Dorothy!!!
ReplyDeleteGotta love your husband. What a neat guy to tackle the discards.
ReplyDeleteI have raised day old calves and know it can be touch and go. Constant care, cleanliness and very expensive drugs usually work. Good luck and long live DD.
I probably shouldn't laugh at Dead Dorothy, but the way you describe her is hilarious. Poor thing. Hopefully the tractor can pull her up on her spindly legs and she can be revived to go to oz.
ReplyDeleteI hope all goes well for Dorothy!
ReplyDeleteWell I surely hope things go well. I do have to say that if you ever get sick, your husband has a pretty favorable track record of healing so things should be okay.
ReplyDeleteAfter dealing with dog bark and 2 Facebook scam attempts, I needed this to propel me to the other side of the attitude spectrum!
ReplyDeleteI'm laughing just thinking about the scenario; of course, I'm not laughing at Dead Dorothy and trust that we'll receive tales of healing in the Nezzy News Bulletin :)
~Once again, dear Nezzy, you have me laughing out loud...especially the line about "lyin' there as lifeless as a virgin on a blind date."
ReplyDeleteWhere do you come up with these things? They're hysterical!
~As for poor, dead Dorothy, I have faith that your hubby can bring her back. A little lovin' and some TLC goes a long way. I hope you'll keep us posted here in blog land. We are all surely as attached to this poor sick calf as we are to you!
I exit laughing,
Miracles still happen! Looking forward to reading what happens with Dorothy! I'm kinda glad I'm a city gal or a suburbian woman!
ReplyDeleteHope the critters fair better in the coming days!
ReplyDeleteOh, I so remember the days of dairy farming....lots our shirts. Did fall in love with the cows though.
Go Dorthy Go! You can do it.
ReplyDeleteIs it true that there is no such thing as a cheap cow? I know that it's true for dogs.
ReplyDeleteShe is darling and I hope she pulls through and follows you all around the farm this summer :)
I will be waiting for the updates on Dorothy. And hubby...he's a keeper!
Dear Nezzy!
ReplyDeleteYou visited me and I wonder how you found me! Our worlds are completely different, but somehow you enjoyed my world and I certainly got an education and a bit of whimsey on your blog!!! HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO FIND ME?
Come any time you want to escape the Ozarks!!
oh my sweet friend, Nezzy! I am so so sorry! My heart breaks for her :( Thank you for your constant encouragement and stopping by. I am gleaning so much from your sweet words of wisdom :)
ReplyDeleteGo baby - and Dorothy too! I've raised enough day old parrots to know that even the "dead" sometimes come around.
ReplyDeleteBest - Lisa
I think you should start calling her Dancing Dorothy and she'll be dancin' in no time.
ReplyDeleteHave to be honest - I'm a city girl - don't know much about cattle at all to be honest.
ReplyDeleteHave to say Dorothy looks like a sweet cow (?).
Good luck with her - I'm rooting for you both.
Poor Dorothy! I hope she makes it!
ReplyDeleteWOW! How terrible! My mom grew up bringin' babies like Dead Dorothy back to life. I love stories like that and hope he has success!!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I have ever heard of standing them up with a front loader before!!
This is possibly the funniest and most endearing story you've ever told...and that's really saying something!
ReplyDelete"...lyin' there lifeless as a virgin on a blind date." Excuse me while I change my britches! That was about the most hilarious line I've ever heard in my life! But really, Nezzy, next time before you call the time of death, you need to call the Coroner of Munchkinland, who will proclaim, "As Coroner, I vouch for her. I thoroughly examined her, and she's not only merely dead, she's really most sincerely dead!"
Good thing you aren't a Doctor Nezzy! Apparently she was hanging on by a thread. Oh I hope she makes it..and her name will forever be Dead Dorothy..and yes we want updates. She is a pretty little thing! It will help if you can get her up for a bit..hope she finds her legs soon. She HAS to make it now..half of blogland is rooting for her!! :)
ReplyDeleteWow, that is one expensive cow! I hope Miss Dorothy recovers fully so you can ship her to California to star in our "Happy Cows Come From California " tv campaign and make you millions :-)
ReplyDeleteI love how you tell a story Nezzy! Keep us posted please.
Well thank god that live or die she's at least enjoying the care of responsible owners now. People who starve animals should be strung up by the toenails.
ReplyDeleteOh such a sweet baby. GOod luck!
ReplyDeleteDorothy is adorable, just like you!
Oh, I do so hope she makes it!
ReplyDeleteSounds like your hubby could be a vet.
ReplyDeleteI hope Dorothy makes it. She is the cutest little critter I've seen in a while.
It is an honorable thing you are doing. Dorothy deserves a chance. I hope she gets her strength back quickly and lives a long and happy life. A new name would help. Maybe Delightful Dorothy...but I imagine you are thinking more like 'A Dollar A Minute Dorothy.'
ReplyDeleteAwwww.....she is so beautiful. One look at that gorgeous face of fluff and I was in love. Hope she makes it! ;o)
ReplyDeleteHave a beauitful week Nezzy!!
From time to time I am missing farm life, animals and nature.Big city life is very tired.
ReplyDeletePeople are tired of big cities like me.
Best wishes from Ankara!
i hope you can get dead dorothy back on her feet again. i watched my uncle doctor cows like this when we were little and on the farm. i'll never forget the first time i saw a dead cow--glat on her back, legs straight up in the air. it was burned into my 6 year old mind forever!
ReplyDeleteOh, Nezzy!!! You are such a terrific storyteller!!! And I sure do hope Dorothy gets her wish!!! If it is up to the Wizard, I'm sure she will!! ~Janine XO
ReplyDeleteHi Nezzy,
ReplyDeleteI sure hope Dorothy makes it! You can tell a story with the best of them. Lifeless as a virgin on a blind date had me snickering away! Your a tough cookie girl!
Hugs, Cindy
I'm sure Dorothy will do well!!! Something special about hand reared animals...we use to do our lambs!!!
ReplyDeleteOh gee I hope it all works out, I cant stand seeing a poor animal suffering. I know she is in good hands though.
ReplyDeleteOh I hope she makes it!! She is looking good now!
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about cows but found the life you lead and the story of Dorothy fascinating. Keep us posted.
ReplyDeleteWell bless your hubby's heart Nezzy for taking up this poor calf and nursing her back to health. I couldn't tell that she's a malnourished calf until you mentioned it. It's gonna take money, time, and patience to nourish Dorothy. I hope you guys the best!
ReplyDeleteSweet Friend,
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad for Dorothy and I truly hope that she does click her hooves together and astonish all of you...but in the same breath the way you told the whole story I couldn't help but laugh at the end. :D You have a way with words my friend. You always make me smile.
Love you,
Wishing Dorothy a full recovery. She is lucky to have you guys watching over her.
ReplyDelete"Lifeless as a virgin on a blind date" LOL :)
*kisses* HH
What a sweet looking little cow, I am sure she will be fine with you guys watching over her and taking care of her.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your sweet words this morning!
Hugs, Ann
Poor Dorothy.
ReplyDeleteWow, I hope she is up and about in no time. Jackie
ReplyDeleteOh how fun that you came again to visit! And I will come back for some down home hospitality!!!! Have a grand weekend coming! Anita
ReplyDeleteI can't believe she was just sleeping. I hope she turns around and gets stronger quickly!
ReplyDeleteWow i really hope she is better soon. I guess they must sleep very deeply to look dead and all...
ReplyDeleteKate xx
love the wizard of oz analogy... gotta be one of my favs...
ReplyDeleteblessings for healing
Aloha Nezzy,
ReplyDeleteThank you for a day on the Farm, you know how much I miss it. Then you start in on the cost factors and I am reeled back to happier days of when the Vet would come out to the ranch and we would hold our breath for the Bill and my husband would look at me and say you just had to have this Ranch?
Seems like another life time ago, oh well everything has a season, and it sounds like Dorothy has a few more...good for her, she is one lucky heffer!! did I spell that right?
Sending warm Hawaiian Sunshine
Sounds like Dorothy has found the right place to be -- I hope she'll recover. Thanks for your kindness when you visited me yesterday! I always appreciate you nice comments!
ReplyDeleteGO DOROTHY!
Hi: It is post like these that remind me I am a City girl. That is a kind thing you are doing. I do hope your cow is ok. I have to say, you are teaching us City Girls alot. Blessings, Martha
ReplyDeleteI hope Dorothy fares well...it sounds like your husband will be able to work his magic on her!
ReplyDeleteThe line about the virgin on a blind date had me in stitches! I need to remember to go pee BEFORE I read your blog because I usually laugh so hard that I pee in my pants.
Love it and the wizard of oz too funny! Thanks for stopping by and for the comment- It makes me feel better to know others are having/had my same troubles!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great day!!
I love reading your blog. There's so much out there about where your food comes from and factory farming and farmers. blah blah blah on the news. Its nice to hear how it really is from someone who actually deals with it. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOh.. I am so glad Dorothy isn't dead! Looking at her picture makes my insides all mushy.. she is so cute and sweet looking. Keep us updated on this precious babe.
hi! thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment for friday fragments!!!
ReplyDeleteOh No!! I am rooting for Dead Dorothy! I had a vision of you jumping the fense and giving her mouth to mouth and heart massage!!
ReplyDeleteI am pulling for her!
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment. It lead me to you and I love your blog!! I am a follower :)
Lou Cinda :)
I can't begin to tell you how much you make me laugh, I dare say no one tells a tale better than you dear! I am learning so much about cattle and farming from reading your blog, I have always wanted to raise chickens for myself, my family thinks I'm crazy so I may just share some of your stories. (that way the chicken idea won't seem so bad) I am so rooting for Dead Dorothy, with a name like that she just has to make it!!!
ReplyDeleteI am a sucker for big brown calf eyes - I really hope she pulls thru.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck!
Oh I so hope she makes it too...she is really adorable. Tell your husband he is really sweet for trying so hard...I just know all will be well. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI love the name of your blog!! Thank you for your lovely comment. Good luck with my giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI do hope Dorothy starts responding to your TLC - she deserves to!!! Your husband must be a real softy to bring home poor Dorothy!! I can see why though she has an adorable face!!!
Your words pulled me in as well. I was so upset when she was lying stiff legged in the pasture. You may have to change her name to Saving Grace!
ReplyDeleteAwww, I hope she'll be ok also!!! I believe I believe!!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could send my daughter to stay with you. I think maybe she dreams of farming because she grew up without any pets. We have tons of cows near us, but I don't know the owners. I almost asked a nice looking man riding a tractor if he could show my daughter around, but I was too shy. Instead, I took his picture when he wasn't watching.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, cattle ranching just never seemed so glamorous! Poor sweet Dorothy, I hope she makes a speedy recovery.
ReplyDeleteOh my I know nothing about cows and farm animals. I certainly read this post with appreciation of what ranchers go through. Good luck and I hope everything turns out well. Thanks for all your comments on my blog.
ReplyDeleteNezzy, THAT, my dear, was an education on cows! All I know of cows is from afar, and even though we live on 50 acres, my guy is a farmer, not a rancher. Have enjoyed reading your posts and love the Ozarks. I'll be checking in with ya often. Thanks for veering off your beaten path to read the slop I serve up! :) Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteAw, what a sweet face she has. Though I was raised on a farm all these years as a city girl have erased my memories of the cattle. I learned a lot reading your post. Thanks for visiting. I'm pulling for Dorthy!
ReplyDeleteI was totally thrown off here since we are eagerly anticipating going to the Wizard of Oz play tomorrow! For real!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Nezzy Sweetie...
ReplyDeleteThank you for my visit to the farm. I was right there with you on the fence screaming breathe Dorothy, breathe. I was thinking you were going to tell me she was a gonner for sure, and DH says she lives. Oh my Lord what a story. I love it. She will be your best cow yet wait and see. I can't wait to see what happens when you stand her up. Lordie, lordie I adore this story.
Nezzy please take pictures as you go along with Ms Dorothy. I am so intriqued with her. I will be praying. I love your life here on the farm. What a blessing to you and DH.
Happy Saturday sweetie and thank you sooo much for sharing with me. I love it when you do.
Country hugs and much love..>Sherry
wow I just happened upon your blog and am so intrigued with dead dorthy, please take pictures, I would love to see dorthys progress, what a wonderful storyteller you are, there is a knack to it and you definitely have the gift....I am a new follower of yours...I know this will sound crazy but my cat tina has a blog as well in is located on my side bar and she loves finding new friends like dead dorthy, I think we will be featuring her real soon, come for a visit, I will be back for sure to hear more from you my new friend....phyllis
Woah, expensive cow there!
ReplyDeleteWow. I hope you get your money back out of her. Cows must be worth a lot of money when they're healthy!
ReplyDeleteHowdy Nezzy
Been there done that !
But all the same there is always someone who wants to see the Wizard ,never mind the man behind an over sized green curtain :)
I will as always be praying for the right solution to come to the Ponderosa for all concerned !
Big Hugs from Texas
Love ya
Happy Trails
Your guy cares! It's the guy who says "it's no use, put it down!" that I wouldn't want. You two are well suited...
ReplyDeleteProfit or no profit in the deal, he just sounds like a good guy!
There are times I still smell hay!
Hugs and thanks for all of your sweet visits, Nezzy! You are a precious lady!
I hope she'll see the wizard...but Im still laughing at.."lifeless as a virgin on a blind date"..in relation to this...LMAO...you are the bestest...!!EnJoY YoUr DaY..!
ReplyDeletePoor little Dead Dorothy. She has the fur coat of a northern calf, she is pretty, hope she fairs well for you. Love your blog storys.
poor dorothy! so sad! we just got our first cow yesterday..lots to learn.
ReplyDeletewhat a cute blog! thank you for checking out ours. i'm a follower now! :)
Hi there, Thanks for stopping by my blog.
ReplyDeleteWe have our own little "Dorothy" who has had pneumonia all her life...I don't even wan't to know who much in drugs we've poured into her!
She 's actually doing really goos right now.
I do trust all of the ideas you have offered in your post.
ReplyDeleteThey're very convincing and can certainly work. Still, the posts are too quick for novices. Could you please lengthen them a little from subsequent time? Thank you for the post.
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