Grinnin' like a hungry cat who just landed in a well stocked Aviary, her shinin' faced beamed as she said, "today I'm marrin' your son and you will really be my mom." December 1, 1995 , Geek Son married The Latin Lovin' Hillbilly and we gained another daughter. Our family was blessed more than Christmas dinner after the fast at a monastery when this one joined our happy clan.
On December third my sweet Mother-In-Love celebrated her 84th birthday surrounded by family and a big old cake piled high with icin'. Doesn't that smile just light up a room? Born in 1927, this lovely lady has seen more in our world than most of us could wrap our brains around. She is now livin' in an assisted livin' facility and lovin' it more than a fly loves sticky buns on Christmas Mornin'. Mom and my wonderful Father-In-Love would of celebrated their 65th weddin' anniversary on the eighth of December along with my Brother-Out-Law's (just kiddin') 49th birthday.
This handsome dude loves football and the Colts almost as much as he loves that Banana Split Cake. Zacharie is the oldest of our 'bonus' grandkiddos. He's a great big brother to Alexis, Jacob and little Ian. This awesome football player holds down a job as he hold up his grades. My heart bursts watchin' him grow into the super young fella he is. Zach celebrated his 17th birthday on the tenth. on!!!!
Mischievous as a hyper Blue Heeler pup in a box full of kitties, this happy gent celebrated his birthday on the twelfth of December. This Ozark Farm Chick can't look at Joel without seein' my daddy all over that jubilant face. Oh how that smile melts this gals heart. He's a builder, a scientist and a lover of God. Did I mention he's a climber too? Yep, if we ever lose this one we've learned to simply look up. He climbs walls folks!!!
The Latin Lovin' Hibilly in all her orneriness was born December 14, 1975. Ya need rear view mirrors on the back of your ears 'round this one. Geek Son made his very dramatic entry into this world December 18th, 1974. This Mama's so very proud of the man, husband and father he's become but someone had to put a stop to all these celebrations. As Barney Fife said, "Nip it...Nip it in the bud!"
When our beautiful Social Butterfly found the Monarch of her dreams, ya know the one that made her little heart flutter, flip and go pitty~pat, a December weddin' was brought up. Miss Social said, "Oh no...Mama won't allow anymore hitchins or babies bein' birthed in December." This union took place in January. Ya'll know what happens when Mamas not happy! Heeheehhee! Let me tell ya'll, I've popped more than few proud buttons over this one too! She makes my heart sing.
Our Decembers are packed tighter than a clown car.....then we have Christmas. Here on the Ponderosa we are celebratin' Christmas on December 31st. It truly doesn't matter to this chick what day we celebrate as long as we celebrate together. Shouldn't we all be celebratin' the birth of our Lord and Savior everyday anyway? 'Just sayin'.......
Saturday on the Ponderosa the tree's 1,100 lights will be lit, the Christmas music jammin' in the background, the dinner table filled with all the trimmins and the fresh cider table filled with decant homemade candies. Farm Boy will gather the grandkiddos 'round his big old recliner to read the true Christmas story from the Bible. Presents will be opened as laughter fills the air but most of all we will celebrate Jesus. Yep, like Elvis sang on his October 15, 1957 single and on the United States best sellin' Christmas Album ever, "For if everyday could be just like Christmas, what a wonderful world this would be!" Just like Mr. Presley, I want to always celebrate Jesus each and every day so I ask, "Why Can't Everyday Be Like Christmas?"
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
SUGAR AND SPICE ( Winner announcement)
Sweeter than Granny Walden's Karo Pie, this little dancin' queen had her Grandma Muzzie's 'Happy Dance' perfected by her first birthday. Born October 14, 2005, little Miss Sarah Grace truly graced our family with her infectious smile and the energy of a Duracell battery.
One glance from those sparklin' chocolatey brown eyes as big as saucers can melt your heart faster than this Ozark Farm Chick can leap over a corral panel with a wild~eyed bovine breathin' down my knickers. This nectarous Fairy Princess is too darn stinkin' cute and knows how to use it baby. Honey Pie will roll those big browns when she's in trouble and say, "I love you Mommy (Daddy)!!!"
Miss Candy coated Pippi Longstockin' broke her little wing flyin' off the arm of the sofa a couple years ago and sported the cutest tiny purple cast. Her Mama, The Latin Lovin' Hillibilly, braided her pigtailed braids 'round a coat hanger for that year's Christmas program. The teen gals backstage had a blast and a half flippin' the braids up...then down each time Gracie was offstage.
Her spiraled curly Shirley Temple look gained her a flower girl position in my nephew's hitchin'. Sarah Grace was most enchanted with the chocolate fountain. It is the factor in most girls dreams isn't it??? I know, I need to hit more of those Chocoholic's Anonymous meetings.
"Oh, my dolly finally came," were the words squealed when she opened the present we handed her. See, Sarah asked for a Hearts for Hearts Nahji from India doll that arrived late the day before her birthday. We left for Texas before Sleepin' Beauty awoke on her big day so she didn't get her dolly 'till a week later. I must confess...Grandma's heart sank like a cement block. I felt baaaaaad!!!
After her dolly came I think ya'll can tell that Miss Gracie had a very happy number six. I swear that smile could light up New York City at Christmastime! Folks, don't let all this syrupy sweetness fool ya though. If the need arises she can be tougher than a two dollar steak takin' both her big brothers down at the knees but most of the time Sarah is sweeter than Charlies Chocolate factory on it's best day.
It was 1963 when an English rock band sang "Sugar and spice and all things nice, Kisses sweeter than wine, Sugar and spice and everything nice, You know that little girl is mine." My little Sarah has a big old piece of my heart and just like The Searchers, I too can belt out how much I love my little" Sugar and Spice !!!"
Ya'll hop on over and congratulate Shug over at 'My Steps Of Faith' who's sweeter than a warm bath filled with decadent Belgian chocolate herself. She is the winner of a signed copy of "Social Climbers" written by that generous Beth over at ' Social Climbers'. Congratulations Shug and a big old Ozark 'thanks' to Beth. Woohoo!!!!
One glance from those sparklin' chocolatey brown eyes as big as saucers can melt your heart faster than this Ozark Farm Chick can leap over a corral panel with a wild~eyed bovine breathin' down my knickers. This nectarous Fairy Princess is too darn stinkin' cute and knows how to use it baby. Honey Pie will roll those big browns when she's in trouble and say, "I love you Mommy (Daddy)!!!"
Miss Candy coated Pippi Longstockin' broke her little wing flyin' off the arm of the sofa a couple years ago and sported the cutest tiny purple cast. Her Mama, The Latin Lovin' Hillibilly, braided her pigtailed braids 'round a coat hanger for that year's Christmas program. The teen gals backstage had a blast and a half flippin' the braids up...then down each time Gracie was offstage.
Her spiraled curly Shirley Temple look gained her a flower girl position in my nephew's hitchin'. Sarah Grace was most enchanted with the chocolate fountain. It is the factor in most girls dreams isn't it??? I know, I need to hit more of those Chocoholic's Anonymous meetings.
"Oh, my dolly finally came," were the words squealed when she opened the present we handed her. See, Sarah asked for a Hearts for Hearts Nahji from India doll that arrived late the day before her birthday. We left for Texas before Sleepin' Beauty awoke on her big day so she didn't get her dolly 'till a week later. I must confess...Grandma's heart sank like a cement block. I felt baaaaaad!!!
After her dolly came I think ya'll can tell that Miss Gracie had a very happy number six. I swear that smile could light up New York City at Christmastime! Folks, don't let all this syrupy sweetness fool ya though. If the need arises she can be tougher than a two dollar steak takin' both her big brothers down at the knees but most of the time Sarah is sweeter than Charlies Chocolate factory on it's best day.
It was 1963 when an English rock band sang "Sugar and spice and all things nice, Kisses sweeter than wine, Sugar and spice and everything nice, You know that little girl is mine." My little Sarah has a big old piece of my heart and just like The Searchers, I too can belt out how much I love my little" Sugar and Spice !!!"
Ya'll hop on over and congratulate Shug over at 'My Steps Of Faith' who's sweeter than a warm bath filled with decadent Belgian chocolate herself. She is the winner of a signed copy of "Social Climbers" written by that generous Beth over at ' Social Climbers'. Congratulations Shug and a big old Ozark 'thanks' to Beth. Woohoo!!!!
Chick Chats,
Monday, December 12, 2011
VOGUE (Giveaway)
Uglier than a bucket full of armpits and thinner than an Amish phone book, Farm Boy buys these half starved sale-barn cattle to pretty up and fatten out. Believe me, these hungry bovines eat better than a empty bellied three hundred pound trucker at an all ya can eat buffet when they belly up to the feed bunks here on the Ponderosa. It sure doesn't take these Stravin' Marvins long to plump up and slick out.
Heck, these two beauties could join Beth over at" Social Climbers" for a Monogram Monday. Just look at how these two high society 'it' gals are monogrammed to the kilts. Folks, don't get your bloomers in a bundle, these ladies were previously monogrammed prior to landin' on the Ponderosa.
Shockin' as an electric fence durin' a thunderstorm, this Ozark Farm Chick was once a sorority girl herself! Yep, I've climbed a social rung or two myself but these days I'm a bonafied 100% Farm gal. Now, if ya'll a want in on the well kept secrets of the Main Line Socialites, I've got the book for you! Even an country lass from the Ozark Mountains can run with chic elites sportin' names like Bibby, Coco and Lilly followin' Beth's advice. Do ya feel as confused as a hungry baby in a topless bar dropped smack in the middle of a social settin'? The 'Preppy Bible' holds the key to your grip on scalin' the social ladder.
That sweet generous Beth over at" Social Climbers "is givin' one of my lucky readers a signed copy of her book "Social Climbers". Now, if that won't sweeten your bitter tea! All ya have to do is comment. That's it. I love the KISS method. Ya know, 'keep it simply sister' but please go visit this special blogger and say 'howdy'! Go, put your feet up and sit a'spell.
In 1990 the real 'it girl', Madonna, wrote and sang, "All you need is your own imagination...So use it that's what it's for...go inside, for your finest inspiration...Your dreams will open the door." This hit song is an upbeat dance~pop tune with heavy influences of the seventies disco era. After readin' Beth's book, you too will be strikin' a pose and singin' "Vogue !!!"
Ya'll have a blessed and beautiful Christmas.
" Social Climbers" can be purchased at
Heck, these two beauties could join Beth over at" Social Climbers" for a Monogram Monday. Just look at how these two high society 'it' gals are monogrammed to the kilts. Folks, don't get your bloomers in a bundle, these ladies were previously monogrammed prior to landin' on the Ponderosa.
Shockin' as an electric fence durin' a thunderstorm, this Ozark Farm Chick was once a sorority girl herself! Yep, I've climbed a social rung or two myself but these days I'm a bonafied 100% Farm gal. Now, if ya'll a want in on the well kept secrets of the Main Line Socialites, I've got the book for you! Even an country lass from the Ozark Mountains can run with chic elites sportin' names like Bibby, Coco and Lilly followin' Beth's advice. Do ya feel as confused as a hungry baby in a topless bar dropped smack in the middle of a social settin'? The 'Preppy Bible' holds the key to your grip on scalin' the social ladder.

In 1990 the real 'it girl', Madonna, wrote and sang, "All you need is your own imagination...So use it that's what it's for...go inside, for your finest inspiration...Your dreams will open the door." This hit song is an upbeat dance~pop tune with heavy influences of the seventies disco era. After readin' Beth's book, you too will be strikin' a pose and singin' "Vogue !!!"
Ya'll have a blessed and beautiful Christmas.
" Social Climbers" can be purchased at
Thursday, December 1, 2011
PRINCESS ( A Winner)
Better than a speckled pup in a red wagon on Christmas mornin', she knew she was a princess the day she was born. Her brothers welcomed her as royalty straight into their arms and protective big brother hearts. Born September 17, 2003, Honor Elizabeth graced this earth and our family with a heart as tender as Granny Walden's farm fresh warm apple dumplin's.
Hubby sometimes refers to little Indian Princess as "Ornery Elizabeth." This Ozark Farm Chick just calls her my "Mini~Me." We not only share September birthdays but looks, creativity, humor, artistic abilities, love of music, mannerisms, a heart for the Lord and His children. As I've said before, watchin' her grow is like steppin' through my own little girl lookin' glass!
No doubt this miniature fudgy faced Cinderella complete with teeny glass slippers will someday find her Prince Charming. Did ya'll notice the Minnie Pearl tag in her crown? She keeps us in stitches with her witty off the cuff humor and her zest for life.
She has written and illustrated a book about her life from birth to her very own family. Honor even had a couple pages dedicated to 'the honeymoon' which had the moon~eyed couple seated at a table complete with a beautiful floral centerpiece. I asked her what a couple did on their honeymoon and she replied, "Well of course Grandma Muzzie, they go out to eat at a really fancy restaurant, enjoy a movie and sleep in very expensive hotels." Silly me, at my age I should know these things...Heeehehe!!! As any best seller, Honor's book ends with "happily ever after."
Yep, this little Princess Bride made her daddy grab his chest, gasp for breath and turn three shades of green when she tried on the dress~up Christmas present we gave her a couple of years ago. Convincin' this dreamy~eyed bride she's not truly a princess is like talkin' a monkey into doin' math equations. 'Just not gonna happen! Mini~Me huffed and puffed and blew out all eight candles atop her birthday cake in one breath. I can only guess what this imaginative doll wished for. Oh, I could just sop this sweetie up with a buttermilk biscuit!!!!
Long before Elton John blew out "The Candle in The Wind" honoring Princess Di, he wrote the music and sang Gary Osbourne's forgotten song on his 1982 "Jump Up" Album. This proud rockin' grandma could sing Elton's very words as my heart bursts, "You make the sun shine on me~ You're one fine lady~ You're my PRINCESS" !!!
Woohoo!!! Ya'll move the furniture waaaay back and do a great big old happy dance with me 'cause folks, we have a winner! Random Generator has selected lucky number 46. Here's sendin' a big old Ozark 'CONGRATULATIONS' to Julia over at " Of Petals and Wool ", please do pop over and congratulate her. She's a real sweetheart and I know she's gonna love Margaret's book, "Sticky Readers: How to Attract a Loyal Blog Audience by Writing More Better" as much as I did!!!!
"Thank You" Miss Maragret!!! She hangs out at: "Nanny Goats in Panties"
Hubby sometimes refers to little Indian Princess as "Ornery Elizabeth." This Ozark Farm Chick just calls her my "Mini~Me." We not only share September birthdays but looks, creativity, humor, artistic abilities, love of music, mannerisms, a heart for the Lord and His children. As I've said before, watchin' her grow is like steppin' through my own little girl lookin' glass!
No doubt this miniature fudgy faced Cinderella complete with teeny glass slippers will someday find her Prince Charming. Did ya'll notice the Minnie Pearl tag in her crown? She keeps us in stitches with her witty off the cuff humor and her zest for life.
She has written and illustrated a book about her life from birth to her very own family. Honor even had a couple pages dedicated to 'the honeymoon' which had the moon~eyed couple seated at a table complete with a beautiful floral centerpiece. I asked her what a couple did on their honeymoon and she replied, "Well of course Grandma Muzzie, they go out to eat at a really fancy restaurant, enjoy a movie and sleep in very expensive hotels." Silly me, at my age I should know these things...Heeehehe!!! As any best seller, Honor's book ends with "happily ever after."
Yep, this little Princess Bride made her daddy grab his chest, gasp for breath and turn three shades of green when she tried on the dress~up Christmas present we gave her a couple of years ago. Convincin' this dreamy~eyed bride she's not truly a princess is like talkin' a monkey into doin' math equations. 'Just not gonna happen! Mini~Me huffed and puffed and blew out all eight candles atop her birthday cake in one breath. I can only guess what this imaginative doll wished for. Oh, I could just sop this sweetie up with a buttermilk biscuit!!!!
Long before Elton John blew out "The Candle in The Wind" honoring Princess Di, he wrote the music and sang Gary Osbourne's forgotten song on his 1982 "Jump Up" Album. This proud rockin' grandma could sing Elton's very words as my heart bursts, "You make the sun shine on me~ You're one fine lady~ You're my PRINCESS" !!!
Woohoo!!! Ya'll move the furniture waaaay back and do a great big old happy dance with me 'cause folks, we have a winner! Random Generator has selected lucky number 46. Here's sendin' a big old Ozark 'CONGRATULATIONS' to Julia over at " Of Petals and Wool ", please do pop over and congratulate her. She's a real sweetheart and I know she's gonna love Margaret's book, "Sticky Readers: How to Attract a Loyal Blog Audience by Writing More Better" as much as I did!!!!
"Thank You" Miss Maragret!!! She hangs out at: "Nanny Goats in Panties"
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