The tendency to strongly desire the best for one another could depict friendship. Some characteristics of a good buddy might be showin' sympathy and empathy. Ya'll want your friend to be honest, understandin' and compassionate. I don't know 'bout you but I want to trust my friend and receive emotional support. I'm not askin' too much here, am I? Friendship is completely a give and take relationship. The Good Book says in Proverbs 18:24 that , "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. We all have access to Jesus...the perfect eternal friend but baby we're mortal and need those great flesh and blood friends too. In that category this very blessed Ozark gal has had some chummy bosom chums. Yep, we're tight like a wet swimsuit two sizes too small on a long ride home from the lake.
When I was just a young chicklet I had the best girlfriend a gal could ever hope for. (That's me next to my little dog Tiny.) Why, we were as tight as pages in a big old book and as happy as a dog with two tails. We met in the first grade 'cause back in the day we didn't have kindergarten. We traveled through elementary school, high school and college together. Where you'd see one you were gonna see the other. Yep, we hung together like long hair in a biscuit. Folks, could I tell ya'll some stories! When we married, we were Maid of Honor in each others weddings but years and miles have separated us in body but not the bond of friendship we share.
I met my grown-up best friend at Church. Not that she replaced my childhood friend at all but it's just a different kinda friendship. She is a sweet spirited gal who loves the Lord with all her heart and my adult years has been better 'cause she has touched my life in only the way a great friend can. I always know my secrets are as safe as a tick on a stiff necked dog with her and I can count on her for absolutely anything. She is my cohort, companion and confidaunt who just makes me as happy as a lone rooster in the hen house!!!
While makin' the long trip back from Brownsville Texas last October, I was about as low as a gal could get. Knowin' that I would never see my Daddy again and bein' so far away from my family, it was the toughest trip I've ever made. Under the best circumstances, it is a difficult drive. The one way the journey is 1145 miles long. We had spent the night in Arkansas where I know my good old bloggin' buddy lived. I knew she lived in Tiny Town and that she worked at the Post Office. We got up the next mornin' and I asked Hubby if we by any chance traveled through Tiny Town and he said, "no...but we could."After travelin' up a mountain on the windin' roads where ya saw the road below had me shakin' like a scared cat in a dog pound, we reached the Post Office of Tiny Town where I requested Gail. "She don't work here,"...."She works over in Teeny Town." My Hubs bein' the hunka hunka burnin' love he is drove me to Teeny Town as exhausted as we were to meet my beautiful bloggin' buddy. It was a delight and the highlight a very difficult trip. I took one look at her and she took one fearful look at me. ( Ya, see....she thought I was a postal inspector....heeehehehe!) I told her to ," get out here and give me a hug!" She did and we hugged and talked and hugged and laughed and did I mention we hugged??? Pop over and meet the sweetest gal, Gail...."
At the Farm."
Look at this!!! I won the lottery over at Teresa's at "
Grammy Girlfriend". She also has been a great bloggin' friend who is a big believer in sendin' real cards by real mail. Just look at this lovely box, it was chucked full as Pappy's belly after Thanksgivin' Dinner. Not only was it filled with beautifully assorted cards there was a gorgeous ceramic 'laugh' hanger. She included a book, "Your Late Again Lord", the impatient guide to God's timing. How'd she know.....I want everything YESTERDAY? There were winter envelopes with snowmen on 'em. Just happens I collect the little cold hearted fellas. A 'Cooking Light' magazine with recipe makeovers for a healthier me and a 'All You' magazine filled with $24.00 worth of coupons. I clip 'em...I'm just that kinda chick! If that wasn't enough there was a beautiful John Rossini "Life Itself" calendar that I can slip in my purse. I keep my life in these things and this one is already filled out and ready to go. How did she know??? Thank you Teresa my friend. Please hop over and wish her a great New Year, the last year really threw her some life challenges.
Yep, this chick is as wild as a peach orchard hog about the many great friends I have been blessed with. In 1971 Carol King wrote a song that won the Grammy Awards both for Best Pop Mail Vocal Performance and Song of the year. Jame Taylor sang the song and Warner Brothers produced it on a little seven inch vinyl. Remember those??? The song ,"You've Got a Friend", has been popular throughout the ages with lyrics like "when your down and troubled and you need a helping hand." I just want my friends to know that in this new year of ours that no matter what, no matter where,
"You've Got a Friend!!!"HAPPY NEW YEAR MY FRIENDS!